8 Things I am passionate about:
1- Chad
2- Gavin and Milo
3- BYU
4- Traditions with my family
5- Halloween
6- My Testimony
7- Music
8-Vintage Fashion
8 words/phrases I often say
1- I love you
2- I'm tired
3- Stop teasing
4- Baggo Magaw
5- What in heavens name are you doing?
6- I have cleaned up this house three times today
7- feed the dog and cat
8- Are you gonna get dressed today?
8 Things I want to do before I die-
1- Learn to play the drums
2- Ride a bull for real
3- Travel across country on a train
4- Travel to Europe on a boat
5- Take a roar trip on Route 66
6- Buy my dad a Lamborghini
7- Write a book
8- Live in Europe for a long time
8 Things I currently want or need
1- A Nap
2- A Cook
3- A Maid
4- The desire to work out
5- A Vaca with Chad
6- Tickets to Weezer
7- to update my fall wardrobe
8- to finish remodeling my kitchen
8 People I tag
1- IF
3- ARE
6- YOU
7- ARE
An Ode
I knew when I started posting birthdays somebody would fall through the cracks, I just didn't think it would be this terrific girl.
For pretty much my whole life anything fun, crazy or amazing that I ever experienced, Tiff was right there with me for it, When we were little we did everything together, we didn't play with friends we just played with each other. We have some fond memories of cruisin', 98degrees, and lots of shopping, she was even with my the first two times I met Chad. Tiff is the the most giving person I know, she is constantly looking for someone to help and serve. When I had my first miscarriage I received the biggest bouquet of flowers ever and the note said, "love your sisters" in her handwriting. I have a lot of sisters, which is great because I have one for every aspect of my life, they all fill my life with different things, but Tiffani especially holds a special place for me, probably because of everything we have done together, and as life goes on and is constantly changing the one thing that I know is she is always there. Happy Birthday last week, sorry I am late! I love you so much, you have given me the most perfect niece, wonderful hair, and a wonderful friend.
bagoo magaw-I love space-captain adam
After 90-120 minutes we had our tickets.
Revenge of the Tag
1. He cleans the house. I know some times this drives me nuts but sometimes it really is nice.
2. He is a great host when we have a party.
4. So you Think you can Dance
1. Philidelphia
2. Hawaii
3. Niagra Falls
1. chad
2. Elisse
3. clients
4. how sad is it that I don't e-mail anybody else regularly
1. Europe
2. Europe
3. Europe
4. Europe
1. dressing up for Halloween
2. watching my kids open presents on Halloween
3. Summer- I hate snow!
4. vacationing somewhere warm
1. Tiffani
3. Melissa
4. Emily
be true to your school
one year older
At officially 9:54 Saturday Night Milo turned 1.
We started off by doing a little tie-dye
And of all the presents Milo opened his favorite was this singing Simpsons card he got from my his Great-Grandma everytime he opened it he would laugh and stick his head in the card.
We come to the finale of watching Milo eat his first birthday cake. The party was fun and I can't believe my baby is one.